
Schedule of Fees

Harbour Sails

Adults: $50
Children 5-16 : $20
Children under 5: Free
Family Discount 2 adults, 2 children under 16: $120


Hire Rates Dock Side on Elizabeth St Pier (non sailing)

  • Public and corporate events:  $160 per hour.
    (Birthdays, parties, corporate functions – self-catering options)

Short Charters

Duration RATE
1.5 $700*
2 hours $900
2.5 hours $1000
3 hours $1100
Longer Contact us





* Our minimum single charter fee is $800, the lower amount with an asterix are prices for when a charter "fits in"  with another public voyage or charter.

Concession Charters

Concession Rates apply to Schools, Scouts, Guides and other youth organisations.

Length Concession Rate
1.5 hours $550 # for one sail,
if you book 2 consecutive sails $800 for both



Other durations: Contact the office for prices

Long Charters (Overnight)

  Full rate Concession
Per day $2300 $1850



These rates are per 24-hour period and include all meals. Additional hours charged pro-rata.

Charters during December to January  and during special events may incur slightly higher fees (approx 20%).

All rates are inclusive of GST

Cancellation policy and information

Ships Bell
Lady Nelson Dark Mofo Event 2
Lady Nelson at sea sails down